Mary Pomerantz Advertising provides its clients with a diverse array of services from media research, planning, budgeting, negotiations and placement to search engine optimization and marketing. All of these services are focused on providing our clients with the best possible job candidates for their open positions at the lowest possible cost. Learn More About Services
Mary Pomerantz Advertising has assembled a team of talented professionals to address the creative needs of our clients in a broad range of areas. Many of these areas revolve around designing recruitment ads for different media, such as: online job postings, print, outdoor, TV, radio and animated ads. Learn More About Creative
Mary Pomerantz Advertising is fully prepared and equipped to handle all of your interactive advertising needs from developing career websites, microsites and virtual tours to designing and implementing social media and email recruiting campaigns. Learn More About Interactive
A strong employer brand can help you target the right type of candidates for your specific company culture and values. Let MPA show you how to build a strong, consistent brand across all of your recruitment advertising and reap the rewards of this time-tested strategy. Learn More About Branding